Sunday, January 26, 2020

Next Journey To Travel

Good morning wonderful people, having my morning coffee and butter sorry it's been some time since I have been here a lot has been going on, choices, decisions to make that have truly effected my life even to this day. Things that have closed some doors as others are opening up I am faced with being on my own again after twelve years of marriage. Believe me this is such a transition that I am left feeling numb, confused and strangely enough relieved.

The feeling of numbness is just not understanding how this could happened without notice, then confused for not being acknowledged or communication being made to resolve this in a civil manner, and relieved in a strange way that I really can't explain, maybe because I realize that neither of us was happy anymore. His dreams and mine were different even though we had a lot in common. This is not to say what God may have in store later in life for both of us. 

In this next chapter of my life I plan to do more with making a difference in as many lives as I can in my abilities through my art and blogging. To reach out and show that there is still good in this world.

I will say this always that life is too short to waste it on struggles that won't matter months from now even years. So you must choose and pick your battles in life for some of them will pass before you even have an answer may never have the answer to. During my life there have been many times I never got the answer to several of my prayers, but I trust in God always.

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