I choose to live an awesome week
I choose to love with a open heart
I choose to embrace my strength within
I choose to move with a focused mind
I choose to thank God for all I have
I choose to work with a limitless source
I choose to create a life of forgiveness and love.
I would have to say that my experience with cancer I felt that I should have known something was going wrong, but thought that I was just having a sore throat. The hardest part was being told I had throat cancer, it was like my life flashing before me. When the doctor came into the room, sat right in front of me explaining that I had cancer in my tonsil the decision was to take out both my tonsils and that should take care of it, I was alright with that. Yet in surgery they found out that I had cancer in both tonsils and on the back base part of my tongue and I would have to have radiation and chemo, fear slipped in.Now scared of this thought not sure what I was going to do about my son at home who was thirteen at that time,what was going to happen with him,then my other children came to mind and grandchildren, oh my gosh, my mother and dad, what about my husband. I wasn't ready to go yet,those visions of how this could turn out was the part of the shadows. When going through the treatments and surgeries for four months you are helpless to what is going on that would be like having on the chains. You become weak and frail from every day traveling and being tormented with needles and having radiation shot through your head and neck area. you don't remember everything. Through this I had a feeding tube in my stomach so no real food for months, the chains were heavy, but through the support of my family and the will of God I came through. Life is more precious to me and I don't take it for granted no more as I have grown much closer to God and His salvation of my life giving me another chance to enjoy my family and my life to do as He would want me to do that is the vision of the outside world. Now I do things different as I help others to see that life is totally beautiful and very much worth living. I consider myself very blessed for there have been others that I knew who had throat cancer and didn't survive, that breaks my heart. Being in a cancer center also opens your eyes to many things realizing that cancer knows no age, color, gender, rich or poor, no matter the culture or religion...this beast has no mercy on no one. Remember that you are an important part in God's plan and each you wake up he is giving you another day to show His love and grace through your actions and reactions in any given life situation. I totally understand this concept although I still at times fall short of demonstrating it properly as Jesus did...that's is why I live by this...It's not just WWJD, but WDJD, then DWJD...simple as that.
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